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Excalibur Academies Trust

Founded in 2012, we are a multi academy trust that prides itself on a special blend of independence and collaboration, which is demonstrated in everything that we do. Our academies and partner schools are exceptional – delivering an education which ensures every student achieves and enjoys success.

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We are delighted to confirm our continuing collaboration with Bristol Beacon, and the provision of instrumental lessons during the 2024/25 academic year.

Playing a musical instrument:

  • Improves cognitive skills
  • Develops creative skills
  • Cultivates social skills
  • Introduces children to other cultures
  • Boosts self esteem
  • Refines discipline and patience


Bristol Beacon offers tuition on every kind of instrument in every style including strings, wind, brass, drums and percussion, piano, keyboards and guitar.  They also offer singing lessons in all styles including classical, pop and musical theatre. Click HERE to visit the Bristol Beacon website.

You can also speak to your music teachers in school who will be able to guide you (note: the school does not deal with the timetabling or finance which is administered by Bristol Beacon directly). 

To register for music instrumental lessons:

Parents/carers can now register for music lessons HERE.

We are planning for lessons to start the w/c 16th September, subject to tutor availability.

Pupil Premium (PP) / EHCP

A 50% discount is offered on the cost of individual lessons from RGS for children in receipt of PP, a further 25% discount is offered through the Bristol Beacon website application (parents will only be expected to pay 25% of the total lesson cost). 

Children in care and students with an EHCP (or SEN statement) may be eligible for a bursary through Bristol Beacon dependent on family circumstances.


