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KS4 Design Technology




Component 1: Design and Technology in the 21st Century

Written examination: 2 hours

50% of qualification

A mix of short answer structured and extended writing questions assessing candidates' knowledge and understanding of:

∙ Technical principles

∙ Designing and making principles along with their ability to

∙ Analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.

Component 2: Design and make task

Non-exam assessment: approximately 35 hours

50% of qualification 

A sustained design and make task, based on a contextual challenge set by WJEC, assessing candidates' ability to:

∙ Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities

∙ Design and make prototypes

∙ Analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.

  How should I revise? 

  • GCSE revision text books can be purchased through school using parent pay or obtained independently.

Eduqas website for access to the specification and past papers. https://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/design-and-technology/gcse/