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Redland Green School

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Excalibur Academies Trust

Founded in 2012, we are a multi academy trust that prides itself on a special blend of independence and collaboration, which is demonstrated in everything that we do. Our academies and partner schools are exceptional – delivering an education which ensures every student achieves and enjoys success.

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Redland Green School is a happy, caring and stimulating learning community in which everyone's achievements are valued unconditionally and excellence is celebrated.

 One of our key objectives is to offer high quality, local provision.

As a community school we cater inclusively for all talents and abilities - encouraging individual success and achievements at every level, as well as nurturing and celebrating excellence across the whole curriculum.

Above all, our school is a happy, caring and stimulating environment that brings out the very best in all who learn and work with us. Everyone at Redland Green School actively contributes to creating the best climate for learning in all aspects of school-life; everything, from meetings to conversations in the corridors, is focused on learning. As professionals, we recognise that we too are constantly learning and place a strong emphasis on collaboration between colleagues.


Admission Applications

Determined Admissions Arrangements

To view our admissions arrangements for 2024/25 and 2025/26 please visit https://www.excalibur.org.uk/governance/admissions/

Bristol City Council is responsible for setting the admission arrangements for all schools for which it is the Admission Authority, that is, community and voluntary controlled schools in the city.

For Academies, Foundation, Free and Voluntary Aided schools each school Governing Body or Academy Trust is their own admission authority and is responsible for determining their own admissions arrangements.  At Redland Green School, the Governing Body adopted the Local Authority arrangements for admissions.

The Local Authority is responsible for determining the coordinated schemes that are used to administer the admissions process. Details of these can be found on the Bristol City Council School Admissions website at this link: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/schools-learning-early-years/secondary-admissions

To view Redland Green School's Admissions Arrangements 

Click here for our 2024/25 Redland Green School Admissions Policy

For further information on applications to secondary schools please contact Admissions Department by calling 0117 903 7694 or by email at school.admissions@bristol.gov.uk.

Also for your information is the link to the DfE admissions code that schools must follow when carrying out duties relating to school admissions.

Area Map

All community schools - such as Redland Green School - serve a designated geographical area (‘DGA’) established by the LA. This is also now referred to as an ‘area of first priority’. Children living within these areas receive priority over those living outside when the geographical elements of the over-subscription criteria are being applied by the LA.

The full map of our first and second priority areas can be found here

Details of the designated geographical areas of all schools in Bristol can be found here

Post 16

Please click here for latest information on applications to the North Bristol Post 16 Centre Redland Green Learning Community. 

Claremont School

Enquiries relating to the school’s dedicated facilities for students with Severe Learning Difficulties and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties should be directed to the Headteacher of Claremont School.